Friday, September 12, 2008

28 Days Later: Why anarchy flows to authoritarianism ( don't read before you see movie!! )

(tried to put this on too )

I just happened to be reading about the Spanish Revolution of the 1930s this week, where the government was overthrown. I don't know too many of the details, though strict control followed right after the take over. I think you could say this movie may help offer why authoritarian rule takes place after overthrow of government.

In 28, there's no more 'order', but the military has its own established order which survives the end of politics. Yea they get killed off by three survivors, okay, but that doesn't usually happen, so maybe the authoritarianism of the army becomes the new Law of the Land.

That's basically all I have to add. Spain has elected leaders today, but it was a dictatorship for I don't know how long, so the other question is how did 'that' happen?

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